Ever written something into a weblog's comment form and then decided not to post it? Ever started out writing that wonderful entry for your own weblog and then decided to kick it into forgetfulness? What a waste of beautiful verbiage!
How to add a waste button to your weblog's entry or comment form
Note: Management reserves the right to further dump potentially toxic waste at the ultra-secret hazardous waste site. We don't want to be an environmental danger, no thanks.
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... which from now on actually also accepts wasted weblog entries (see sidebar for further details). Yes: wasting words is our business.
wasted on 11/17/07, 12:29 PM
Wenn wir jetzt noch auf den Balkon mit der Schüssel zoomen dürfen wir Tativille
wasted on 11/15/07, 8:48 AM
autobahnabfahrt bahrenfeld, kurz vorm elbtunnel? ;-)
wasted on 11/14/07, 11:10 PM
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selt den abstrusen 60er jahre bildzeitungslügen ,nicht mehr so einen blödsinn zum thema gelesen. übelste stimmungsmache. da werden die herren psychologen wohl eher 300tausend als 384 plätze für ihre klapse brauchen.
5/7/08, 6:09 PM |
I really like this video, and the song is catchy as hell! Ive been hearing a good deal of this band lately!
5/7/08, 4:03 PM |
I really like this video, and the song is catchy as hell! Ive been hearing a good deal of this band lately!
5/7/08, 4:03 PM |
@ anonym: Definieren Sie Männer, wenn Sie meinen, dass die Mülltonne der richtige Ort dafür ist.
5/6/08, 3:38 PM |
@ Irene
Das bedeutet dann, dass Vergewaltiger nicht grundsätzlich gestört, sondern manchmal eben auch nur Männer sind?
5/6/08, 2:48 PM |
feels like it cuts too fast too, says a boy who has cut every video he has ever made too fast.
Given that the track has summer written all over it, maybe it was a victim of caution planning, and our shit weather.
5/5/08, 12:41 PM |